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The RINO vs. the Republican

In My Opinion…

I call this section In My Opinion because I am speaking from my heart and you may very well disagree with me.

I don’t claim to speak for God, and if I ever say “Thus Sayeth God” you had better listen because it will have been a command to me to say it.

I will say however that I love God, and have been a diligent seeker of His Kingdom and His Righteousness. I have spent a great deal of time in his word and in prayer and if I have an opinion it is likely based on many years of experience and study of God’s Word.

I however am fallable “Unlike the Declaration of the Papal Traditions” and will never claim to be perfect in my understanding or in my living out my faith.

I have kept silent far too long because I do not want to misrepresent God in any way. However I had someone I have never met approach me at my congregation a couple of weeks ago and she asked “Do you own a Shofar?” I said “Yes, I own two of them.” She asked “Do you blow the shofar?” I replied “I do blow the shofar. However I am not great at it and I don’t do it very often.” She then said “God created you to blow the shofar!” She went on “Are you a Writer?” I answered “I have written many articles over the years and when I lived in Israel I wrote an online newsletter (This was before they were called Blogs) that was read by several thousand people across the globe called The Israel Report.” She asked “Are you writing now?” I said I didn’t really have the time because my work was so demanding. To which she replied “You are a Watchman. It is your responsibility to Blow the Shofar. You must tell people what God shares with you. God is telling you to start writing again.”

So here I am. You can Like it, You can Hate it, You can say Hallelujiah or you can Curse me. I don’t care. I am going to try and write what is on my heart, and ask the Lord to direct me, correct me, and forgive me when I get it wrong.  I will however never lie to you, and I will only write what I earnestly believe to be true.

And if God ever says, “Tell them I said Thus Sayeth the Lord…” you had better believe I heard it as clear as a bell.